GRIDSERVE has today joined forces with Fully Charged – the world’s largest electric vehicle and clean energy channel – and other clean energy advocates to appeal to global leaders attending COP26 in Glasgow to tackle the immediate threat of climate change with decisive action that reduces our reliance on fossil fuels.
While the UK has made great progress in decarbonising electricity in recent years, largely thanks to its coal phase-out and offshore wind investment, the global picture appears less positive. According to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Report, the level of carbon dioxide in our atmosphere has not been this high within the last two million years.
Yet despite such a stark warning, global carbon emissions are increasing in 2021, thanks to a post-COVID recovery largely powered by fossil fuels and the increase in coal usage for energy production. Clearly, we have no future in the status quo, and such continued levels of warming have been well proven to undermine our planet’s capacity to support human existence.
This year’s Conference of the Parties (COP) in Glasgow, therefore, will require a level of global cooperation not seen before, whereby the international community will need to put ambitious decarbonisation policies (and targets) in place to act decisively.
Fortunately, we now stand on the cusp of a renewably powered revolution, whereby the economics are more favourable than traditional, more polluting alternatives. To help demonstrate this, GRIDSERVE has collaborated with other clean energy pioneers including BritishVolt, myenergi, Polestar, EAV, Kensa, Mixergy, Octopus Energy, Ripple, Tepeo and Volta Trucks to present a Fully Charged ‘manifesto’ for change.
Within this manifesto, GRIDSERVE’s ‘sun to wheel’ energy system is showcased as a better, cleaner and sustainable way of supporting the decarbonisation of transport. Our founder and CEO Toddington Harper also took part in a special episode of Fully Charged, featuring Co Founder of myenergi, Jordee Brompton, and motoring journalist Quentin Willson.
“The science is now unequivocal. Climate change is down to our generation to fix, otherwise it’s never going to be fixed,” argues Toddington Harper, CEO of GRIDSERVE. “The good news is that the solutions are in our reach. We just need to make the decision to deliver.”
As a tech-enabled energy company, GRIDSERVE believes that electric vehicles and electric charging infrastructure will be critical in helping decarbonise transport and tackle climate change. Multilateral policy that transcends election cycles and includes built-in mechanisms for continuous improvement will also foster further technical innovation.
Robert Llewellyn, Fully Charged joint CEO said: “I’m terrified of COP26 being a platform for posturing, posing and pontificating. We need action from leaders across the world today to curb the impact we’re having on our planet. The crazy reality is, we already have all of the answers!”
Because of the cumulative nature of carbon dioxide emissions, time is of the essence. For the sake of future generations, the global community needs to take decisive action now to limit the effects of climate change.