*Renderings subject to change
*Renderings subject to change
As the largest city in Yorkshire, Leeds is leading the way with exciting plans to meet the challenges of climate change and create a more sustainable city, making it an ideal location for a GRIDSERVE Electric Forecourt®.
*Renderings subject to change
If approved, the development will be sustainably constructed and feature a combination of 23 Medium and High Power chargers supplied by net zero carbon solar energy. The goal is to make driving and charging an electric vehicle easy and fun, so we are also proposing an amenity building with inspiring areas to work, meet, rest and shop while you charge.
The proposed site is a single storey Electric Forecourt® in quite a compact area. It’s located on approximately 3,494m2 (0.35ha) or 0.863 acres of land between Henconner Lane and Stanningley Road, Bramley, Leeds, LS13 4AD. The land is currently occupied by a glazing business, which plans to relocate by choice.
If the project is approved, passing motorists will have access from a single entry point from Henconner Lane. To ensure traffic flows smoothly, there will be two exit points, one back on to Henconner Lane, and the other to Stanningley Road (A647).
*Renderings subject to change
*Zap map status of the public charging points registered within the metropolitan borough (The Bramley, Stanningley, Armley, Pudsey and Kirkstall areas as of 1.12.22)
The community consultation period has ended on this site but we welcome your feedback and thoughts as we move through the development process.
*Renderings subject to change
GRIDSERVE is specifically investing in areas that are underserved by public EV charging infrastructure. If approved, the Electric Forecourt® will not only make long distance travel easier for existing electric motorists but inspire confidence in the people of Leeds who don’t have room for home charging – and are yet to make the move to an electric car.
Leeds City Council aims to be carbon neutral by 2030 and this site could make a real contribution to that goal with easy-to-use public charging infrastructure to help reduce carbon transport emissions. It will be supplied by 100% sustainable solar energy via GRIDSERVE’s Sun-to-Wheel ecosystem.
A Transport Assessment will form part of the planning application and GRIDSERVE predicts minimal impact of the development to the area. With dual exits planned to split any additional traffic flow, the Electric Forecourt® should not cause extra congestion or be a significant trip generator as it will be used mainly by those who already drive electric vehicles.
Beyond providing a world class electric vehicle charging destination, the Electric Forecourt® will address the climate emergency by increasing biodiversity and reducing carbon emissions. The site has limited ecology now but where required, ecology surveys have been undertaken to check whether there is any additional ecological growth potential. The site will also be supplied by net zero carbon energy from solar farms and include a living green wall.
The site is situated in ‘Flood Zone 1’ which is an area of land with the least probability of flooding. A Flood Risk Assessment and Drainage Strategy will be submitted as part of the planning application to provide further detail.
A geo-environmental assessment has been prepared as part of the planning process. This demonstrates that there are no significant contamination issues on site. Further investigation will be undertaken once the buildings have been demolished to ensure that any ground condition requirements are addressed.
*Renderings subject to change
The community consultation period has ended on this site but we welcome your feedback and thoughts as we move through the development process.
*Renderings subject to change
Using proprietary geodata, we identify areas of the UK that are most in need of electric vehicle charging infrastructure, then commission a variety of research and put together a community consultation for residents, government stakeholders and business owners in the area.
After this, we collate all community feedback, make design changes that add value and continue monitoring any impacts on traffic, noise, and ecology. Then a full planning application is submitted to the local council for consideration and approval.
Once planning permission is given, we begin construction, building sustainably with biofuel powered generators and local contractors while always trying to mitigate any disruption to the area.
With our electric vehicle chargers installed, local staff recruited, and retail partners open for business, the filling station of the future is then ready to serve the area with affordable, dependable sustainable energy.
*Renderings subject to change
GRIDSERVE must present a balanced view of the project, considering the myriad factors that could impact the local community, both positively and negatively. By its nature, the consultation is incredibly varied, so we’ll discuss conservation, culture, carbon emissions, job creation, archaeology, air quality, health and much more. It’s not quite Tolstoy’s War and Peace, but it’s a significantly robust body of work. It needs to be because we’re serious and committed about the project going forward.
That’s entirely down to your point of view. It’s not just the big stuff that matters – the location, the branding or the number of car spaces, for example. In due course, we’ll also be sweating the smaller stuff, including opening hours to suit the community who we know will need anything from a place to get a good coffee, to an electric vehicle charge up on the way home from the football club.
Absolutely not. The Electric Forecourt® is designed for the community, which is why we encourage and welcome feedback from people of all walks of life, not just EV drivers. All local residents are a key part of this, and we want you to be inspired and involved.
You can speak with our customer support team at any time, our metaphorical door is always open so feel free to email us connect@gridserve.com with the subject line Leeds.